Once a week I deliver an art class for under 5s. I love it when they come through the door asking “what are we going to make today, Jane?”. And it’s a great excuse to read books by some of my favourite fellow illustrators, and invent an activity that ties in with their stories. In the montage above are a very hairy pair of tusked mammoths inspired by Neal Layton‘s ‘Oscar and Arabella’ (I have one little girl at the class who loves to go crazy with the eyes), a mini 3-D landscape of a stream and stepping stones prompted by ‘Muffin and the Expedition’ by Clara Vulliamy, and some marvellous mobile homes that we made to go with ‘Home’ by Alex T. Smith. The jewel-eating-treasure-chest monster has yet to be written, I think…
Woolly mammoths and wheely houses
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