Once, an otter found a box. In it were fine clothes and fancy things. He put on a crown and looked in the mirror. I am splendid, he thought. I shall be KING Otter. He demands a throne, a banquet, a Grand Parade and a golden coach pulled by unicorns. Has Otter got too big for his boots?
Published by Simon & Schuster. This story was inspired by my birthday cowboy boots, and my love of river swimming! You can read more about His Majesty King Otter here. To buy the book, click here.
“A great little fable about the importance of friendship, delightfully told and beautifully illustrated – 5 stars” Books for Keeps
“The most perfect drawing of an otter ever” Angels and Urchins
“A lovely, subtle story of friendship …The illustrations in their bright, clear colours are very appealing.” Armadillo Magazine
“King Otter is a clever, fascinating and original picture book. It is very funny… a story to enjoy and wallow over – rather like Otter and his muddy paws” Bookwagon
“Jane Porter’s illustrations are bright, fun & sketchy…she captures the animals’ facial expressions brilliantly, making this a book where you see something different on the page with every read.” My Book Corner

You can see me reading (most of!) King Otter here – there’s a storywriting project to invent your own ending!