Author Archives: Jane Porter

Through the magic door…


I’ve been putting together another demonstration book, this time for a workshop plan I am writing for the education programme at the  Mall Galleries. It’s on a theme of doors, and children will each choose and create a character, then make a book with open-able doors to lead to a series of adventures. Back at school after the gallery visit, the children can write the narrative to go with the visuals they have created.

Taking flight


Today was the last day of the library project at Singlegate Primary School in Colliers Wood. All term I’ve been working on Friday afternoons with a group of children from different classes, making an installation for the library – including a wall hanging complete with collage nests, a flock of papier mache birds (I specially like this one with the smart scarf):


and – since the project is in the library – a set of hand-made books about the birds:


They were a great group and I will miss them all!


The big launch


Today was the launch of the story boat at Morden Hall Park – and the end of the London Voices project with the National Trust. Sculptor Simon Kent carved the boat in panels of solid oak from Sherwood Forest, working to designs I produced using the drawings, prints and poems created by the families from Liberty School in Mitcham during the workshop sessions earlier in the year. The launch was a great event, with over 250 people coming along throughout the day, and joining in with activities like making mini-boats (Suha, above, made three despite having a broken wrist!), playing eels out and listening to exciting and adventurous tales on the boat with storyteller Diana.


It was a great way to end a project that has been wonderful to work on from start to finish. The boat looked amazing and it was so exciting to see it finished for the first time. Simon also made five free-standing sculptures to act as bases for the game ‘Eels Out’ – below is the vole. We also presented the letterpress posters featuring the families’ poems that I made a few weeks ago with Ross and Jon from JMG Studio – each family and everyone involved was given one to keep as a special souvenir of the project.


Letterpress details


I realised I never showed the finished letterpress poster that I made with Ross and Jon from JMG Studio for the London Voices families at Morden Hall Park – so here are some details, above, including the bees made from Bs, buns and lemonade from Ds and Os, and the ice bridge and boat. And below is the poster in full, showing all the poems the families created in the workshops earlier in the year inspired by the park and the river Wandle.


Washing line time


I finished the macaw project today with 22 Y6 pupils from North London. They had great fun creating interesting textures on coloured paper with acrylic paint and hanging them up to dry. The next day they used them to create collage-based, Japanese-bound story books inspired by the visit of Roberta the macaw. Their work was brilliant and the children really enjoyed the project, and didn’t even want to stop for break-time. ArtisanCam will be showing online film of the project later in the year.

Only a couple more workshops this term then I will be preparing in earnest for my solo show in October at The Old Sweet Shop. It’s called ‘Compendium’ and will be inspired by games and ways of playing.

Roberta on her perch


I’ve been up to Brondesbury Park for the project with ArtisanCam: this is Roberta, the lovely macaw from London Zoo, who came to visit the school – she waves her claw and says ‘hello’. The children loved her and drew some great pictures in pastel, then got to work on their books.

Hats hats hats


I’ve been making fabric collage hats with Y4 at St Andrews and St Marks, Surbiton – it was for multicultural week, so the hats were from all over the world. The finished work is stretched over three large wooden frames for display in the IT suite.

Letterpress weekend


I’ve been printing with Ross and Jon from JMG Studio this weekend – using letterpress we created a set of prints illustrating the poems created by the Liberty School families at the London Voices workshops earlier in the year. Above are the prints before the text went on, with different letters making pictures showing the ice bridge, tiddler trout special party, and hat lemonade buns amongst others. The finished work looks great and will be presented to everyone who took part in the workshops at the celebration event at the park in July. Thanks Ross and Jon, I had a lot of fun and your design was brilliant!