Category Archives: Workshops

A nest of birds


The children in my Friday art group at Singlegate Primary School have been making their papier mache birds – here’s a nestful, and there are many more. They are inventing names and personalities and stories for the birds, and will be making books about them for the school library. One is a sumo bird, and another wears tiny glasses.

Painting in the park


Spent the day at Morden Hall Park with the School Arts Partnership groups from Cricket Green and Wimbledon Chase schools – each child had a canvas and painted from life outdoors – lots of fun and some really interesting results.



I’m back at Singlegate Primary School in Colliers Wood this term – this time the project is to enhance the library on a theme of birds. Step one: making these papier mache birds to hang in a flock – they have a button on the base to hold the wire in place…we’ll also be making bird books, a nest-like wall hanging and cushions. The children had some nice ideas to make clouds, rain and eggs too.

mmm…is that the smell of fresh varnish?


I’ve just painted a coat of satin finish yacht varnish on all four of the panels for the mural made with the G&T art club at Singlegate Primary School in Colliers Wood – so now they are ready to be fixed to the front of the school. The last session of the workshops was yesterday, and we made sketchbooks from scrap paper and badges. Next term I’m back at the school to do a new bird-themed project there.

Grouting at the Snuff Mill


Today I finished off the two mosaic panels I have been making for the School Arts Partnership with Y8 and 9 students from Cricket Green School and Y4 children from Wimbledon Chase Primary. Each child made their own panel, based on drawings they had made at Morden Hall Park, so you can see elements of the water wheel, the white bridge, the mill itself etc. Three Cricket Green students had fun today doing the grouting and seeing the patterns emerge like a patchwork quilt in tiles.


Decoupage discs


Varnished decoupage plates for the art club at Singlegate Primary School this afternoon. I’ve got a big pile of magazines so I hope the children have fun making some of these. Thanks Jill for helping make the demonstration models!

Wandle boat race

The sun sparkled on the water for the boat race today with families from Liberty School – the final session of the London Voices project with the National Trust at Morden Hall Park. We had several heats to determine the overall winner. Sculptor Simon Kent also brought down the oak slabs that he will carve using the families’ designs to create the ‘story boat’ to be installed in the park in July, and we all had a go at carving.

River poems and a chainsaw

Today’s London Voices workshop at Morden Hall Park was great fun despite the blustery rainy weather. We began with a treasure hunt for words hidden in the bark of trees, under ivy fronds and in fence crevices, then made them into river poems, then the families made drawings in the sketchbooks we made last week using Japanese book-binding. Meanwhile Simon showed how he uses a chainsaw for carving and made an eel…

…which we followed with a big game of ‘Eels Out!’