Zoo Book finished


I went to London Zoo this afternoon to deliver the hand-made giant book I have been making for the education department.


It’s a story about one of the zoo’s ferrets, Toffee, visiting all the other animals in the zoo to find out about how they live.


Anne will take both the book and the real-life Toffee with her when she goes to visit schools to explain about the Zoo’s work.


Anne and Sophie (above) were both really pleased with the outcome.



The book is entirely hand-made and a mixture of collage, ink, watercolour and acrylic on Somerset paper, with Japanese binding.

4 thoughts on “Zoo Book finished

  1. Elisabelle

    Whouah… I love your work!
    I am really fond of children books. I spend a lot of time in the bookshops flickering pages of the new ones, even now that my son is older (7) and is reading novels.
    and the format of the book is great too!

  2. number1 fan fiona

    that is so cool. Will it be in London Zoo on display? And how did you learn to do Japanese binding???

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