A swirling shoal for the whale

I’ve been back at Ronald Ross Primary School to make a suitably marine environment for the giant whale I made with the children last week – I painted a multi-coloured swirl of fishes going round the whole room, then used self-adhesive translucent film to create the same effect on the windows. From outside the school it almost looks as if the whale is about to eat them (plankton, though more scientifically accurate, wouldn’t have had the same visual impact….)

4 thoughts on “A swirling shoal for the whale

  1. Jill

    the whale is wonderful! as are all the other smaller fish! How fun to be able to go into the school, create something wonderful, and then leave! : )
    my mom, Connie, teaches art at a preschool. thanks for the comment on our blog.

  2. Ebony

    Hi, I live in australia and am an art teacher in a primary school. i would like to do a sculpture using willow and tissue paper. can you give me any references or book where I could find so detailed instruction on the construction method.

    Thanks and i love your Blog….. can i join? I cannot find the login section.


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